Linggo, Setyembre 21, 2014

GROW Foods

Grow Food 
The Grow Food Group repairs and builds our body. These foods are rich in protein that builds and repairs body cells and tissues. They make us grow. Foods rich in protein are poultry, meat and meat products, eggs, milk and milk products, fishes, shrimps, crabs, mongo, beans gelatins, soya beans, peanuts, and cereals like rice and corn.

GLOW Foods

Glow Foods

The Glow Food Group regulates and protects our body. Glow Foods are rich in minerals and vitamins. Mineral-rich foods are milk, cheese, fish, shellfish such as oysters and clams, mussels, shrimps, seaweeds, crabs, lobsters, dilis, radish, carrots, green leafy vegetables, mongo, soy beans, soymilk, cashew, peanuts, onions, animal liver, heart and kidney, egg yolk, banana, apple, corn, molasses, rice, green peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, and orange. Vitamin-rich foods are green leafy vegetables, yellow fruits and vegetables, egg yolk, tomatoes, prunes, liver, potatoes, mongo sprout, peanuts, cashewnuts, soy beans, pepper leaves, internal organs such as heart, liver and kidney, fresh milk, cheese, sweet potato, horseradish, fish, bread, avocado, citrus fruits, oranges, guavas and cod liver oil.

GO Foods

Go Foods 

The Go Food Group gives our body heat and energy. Foods rich in carbohydrates are starchy foods such as rice, corn bread, oatmeal, macaroni, noodles, potatoes, sweet potato, gabi, and cassava Foods rich in sugar are cakes, candies, honey, jams jellies, molasses, and ice cream. Foods rich in fats are butter, margarine, 
cooking oil, salad oils, and fats from meats and nuts.